Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Black and white AIDB logo. A framed roof house with AIDB under the A frameBlack and White logo for AER Alabama Chapter
 Technology in Action 2.0 is a fast-paced and interactive workshop focused on the abilities of people with nonstandard eyesight. Used here as a general descriptor, "Nonstandard Eyesight," includes people who are low vision, blind, or deaf/blind. Come and experience how these individuals adapt using technology to function adequately and competently at home, school, and work. 

Adaptation is individual. Making appropriate adaptive technology choices depends on the situation, the environment, and the personal characteristics of the individual user. Technology in Action 2.0 is designed to provide a broad view of adaptive technology currently available for people with nonstandard eyesight through specific applications in a variety of settings and individual circumstances. Using real world scenarios based on context (home, school, and work), and category of nonstandard eyesight (low vision, blind, and Deaf/Blind) adaptive technologies are presented and demonstrated by the companies who produce them and the people who use them to adapt and function independently in any environment.

Technology in Action was presented for the first time last year at the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind (AIDB) - Mobile Regional Center.  Conducted as a public awareness / professional development activity, last year’s event was attended by more than 100 participants including people with nonstandard eyesight, family members, friends, and professionals of all stripes. This year, AIDB - Mobile Regional Center is partnering with the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER), Alabama Chapter, to present Technology in Action 2.0 as a pre-conference training activity.

Technology in Action 2.0 will be conducted at the Mobile Marriott Hotel in Mobile, Alabama on October 12, 2016 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Refreshments will be provided. To register choose the "Register" link under the heading “TA 2.0” in the column on the right. The annual training conference of AER, Alabama Chapter, will be held in the same location on October 13 and 14. For more information about AER and/or to register for the conference choose the appropriate link under the heading “AER” on the right. 


  1. Something that offers hope is a good opportunity to learn more.
    Sandra. Servantes

  2. Something that offers hope is a good opportunity to learn more.
    Sandra. Servantes

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sandra. There is always hope and this is what makes events like Technology in Action 2.0 so important. The technology is there. Almost any task (especially digital tasks) can be adapted for use by all including those with non-standard eyesight.

  3. I think these kind of awareness programs seems to be useful to grab companies attention. For instance, an Israeli startup develops assistive technology devices for blind. Simply, the wearable artificial vision camera attachment reads text from any surface, identify objects and faces and relays it to the wearer in real time. For now, these glasses for visual disability is a little bit pricey. But hopefully in future the prices will drop down.
